Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Franklin electric Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Franklin electric - Research Paper Example Two companies that buy various Franklin Electric products are Pentair and ITT. The company’s is well-known since it offers its products in every continent. In addition, it’s a public traded company, and currently its stock price is up 0.9% according to As any other company, Franklin does it have its competitors. Franklin Electric company’s competitors consist of: A.O. Smith Corporation, Baldar Electric Company, Lincoln Electric Company, MagneTek Inc., and Owosso Corporation. The competitors don’t have much of a major advantage as Franklin continues to produced more motors than its competitors On an annual basis. In addition, it was ranked amongst the top 1000 companies by Fortune. The company does primarily focus on creating products such as astewater pumps; sump, sewage, effluent pumps; dewatering and trash pumps. In addition, its secondary focus is on the fueling system such as tanks, pumps, and electronic controls. Undoubtedly, the company has many opportunities to expand. The company has recently acquired 75% of outstanding shares of Vertical company, located in Italy, for cash. The company believes that the transaction will attract more earnings of share. In addition, Vertical Company had the net value of 20 million Euros prior to the acquisition. Clearly, this enables Franklin Electric to increase its share, and dominate in its market. No company can keep up with Franklin Electric since this acquisition allows Franklin Electric to introduce steel pumps that were manufactured by Vertical. The competition although is stiff, has not came up with any new products as it focuses on water heaters and electric heaters. Most of the competition does not branch to fueling systems as Franklin Electric does. Franklin Electric continues to have advantage due to its broad product line and its persistence to acquisitions. Thus, the competition is in disadvantage at this point. Recently, Franklin Electric continues to improve its

Monday, October 28, 2019

Audience Analysis Essay Example for Free

Audience Analysis Essay Communication is one of the most important skills that an individual can possess when presenting to a group of people. The audience should always be focal point of the presenter as communication is an important foundation and can often determine the success or failure of a message being received. When communication is done properly it can build respect and trust between groups and help identity the issues at hand. The presenter must have a good understanding of the audiences culture in order to effectively communicate with the group. In this assignment I have been asked to present quarterly sales information in an in-person meeting to a group of stakeholders that includes managers, salespeople, and customers. I have been asked to answer a number of different questions before I present my information to the audience. The following questions will be answered in this paper. 1.What are audience characteristics you need to consider?2.What communication channels would be appropriate and why?3.What are some considerations that you must keep in mind given the diversity of the audience?4.What would you do to ensure that your message is effective?Before you can prepare a presentation you must consider the characteristics of your audience. I know that my audience consists of managers, salespeople, and customers of this particular organization. Because I have identified my audience I now have a better understanding of the audiences knowledge of the subject. I also understand their interest in the subject; I understand that the different groups of individuals may only be interested in certain results of the quarterly sales information that is being presented. Managers and salespeople may have different subject knowledge than the customers. I will needs to address the different needs of all parties in attendance. I will have to customize certain parts of my presentation in order to address the specific needs of each group within the audience. I will also need to understand what the audience is expecting to learn from my presentation. I should be able to meet and exceed their expectations and the audience should walk away with their questions answered and explained as well as have a better understanding of the quarterly sales information that was presented to them. Because this is an in-person meeting certain communication channels are more appropriate than others. Power-point presentations would be an appropriate method of communication between the presenter and the audience. This is an effective method because it not only allows the presenter to discuss the statistics; but will also allow the present to show the audience the statistics in detail and all together as a group. Printed handouts or documents are another method of communication that would be considered appropriate in an in-person meeting. This method allows the audience to take part in reading the information provided and also gives them something to take with them from the meeting for future reference. Because the majority of the information is being presented orally, the presenter must consider their own body language and speech effectiveness to the audience. Body language and speech are both very important as the audience will be feeding off of the enthusiasm of the presenter. If the presenter gets the attention of their audience it is important to keep it in order to effectively communicate the information. Because there is diversity in the audience certain considerations must be kept in mind when presenting quarterly sales information. Each group will have different levels of interest in the information being presented. The customers will probably not have the same level of interest in certain aspects of the presentation as the managers and salespeople. Another consideration that the presenter must keep in mind is the information that is being communicated to the group. There is a certain amount of statistical data that the organization might not want all the members of the audience to know about. This information might be better presented in a managers only meeting. Other considerations that a presenter may want to keep in mind given the diversity of the audience is the average age, gender, culture background, education, economic status, and group memberships of the attending audience. These considerations individually may not have a big impact on the methods of communication chosen b y the presenter, but together will allow the presenter to understand the diversity of the audience to which the information is being communicated. To ensure that the presentation is a success and the information is received effectively I would make sure that I have a concrete agenda and use it. I would also make sure that I interact with the audience, for example when presenting the sales data I might ask the audience if anyone has any suggestions to help increase the sales in a particular area. I would ask some open-ended questions to help encourage audience participation. I would also ask the audience to participate in constructive group discussions and would frequently check for group consensus on particular issues and decisions. At the end of the meeting I would survey the group through E-mail, fax, letter to ensure that the information that was presented was received and understood. I would also make myself available to answer any questions that may need clarification on an individual level. References Locker, K., Kienzer, D. (2008). Business and Administrative Communication (8th edition). McGraw-Hill, 2008 New York, NY. Retrieved from the University of Phoenix web-site. Payne, B. (2008). Effective group Communication. Retrieved on April 24, 2009 from the world wide web at:, Allyn Bacon (1995-2009). Demographic Characteristics of Your Audience. Retrieved on April 24, 2009 from the world wide web at: . Copyright  © 1995 2009, Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Allyn Bacon. McGee, J. Important Characteristics of your Audience. Writing and Designing Print Materials for Beneficiaries: A Guide for State Medicaid Agencies. Health Care Financing Administration, Baltimore, MD. HCFA Publication Number 10145. October 1999, page 66, and the Plain English Network Web site at Retrieved from the world wide web on April 26, 2009 at:

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Thermal Energy Conversion Essay -- physics energy power renewable powe

The demand for an efficient renewable energy source is a driving force in ongoing research. Thermal energy conversion is one such potential source that is under constant investigation and has endless avenues of possibility. The two requirements of energy production are efficiency and renewability. Many possibilities exist for energy production including: Fossil Fuels (natural gas, oil, coal, oilshale), nuclear, solar, wind, geothermal, biomass and wastes, & hydroelectric. Efficiency of the use of these resource are directly related to the location and the demand in that location. For example Hawaii is a prime candidate for the use of the oceans mechanical wave action, the thermal gradient of the ocean, wind, and biomass from the high levels of plant growth. The demand for another energy source comes from Hawaii's dependence on oil that has to be transported there. Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion(OTEC) is the utilization of the energy stored in the world's oceans by the thermal gradient created. The thermal gradient is the difference of the surface temperature of the ocean that is heated via solar energy and the water at depths of significantly colder temperatures. This thermal gradient is the energy source that is converted to usable energy by OTEC plants. The idea for using the oceans thermal energy is credited to several visionaries including Jacques D'Arsonval, a French Engineer, in 1881. The temperature difference needed for an OTEC plant is about 36 deg F (20 deg C). Temperature differences of this amount are readily available in many locations in the world. The areas depicted in red on the above map produce the best areas for OTEC sites due to the stablility of warm weather throughout t... ...ntially be exploited for one of the municipalities that stand beside the pipeline? Arctic North Slope Borough - 179.2 mi. Fairbanks North Star Borough - 89.1 mi. City of Delta Junction - 5.5 mi. City of Valdez - 20.8 mi. Could the pipeline at least help to power one of the ten pump stations located along its winding path? It is not likely that the heat exchange in either of the two above systems would produce a sufficient enough amount of energy to produce electricity. The temperature of the oil as it is extracted is approximately 160 Â ° F and the flow temperature approximately 140 Â ° F. These temperatures need to be maintained for the oil to remain in a viscous enough state to be transport with some amount of efficiency. This inquiry into the potential use of excess heat being produced as a by-product does however open the door to other possibilities.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Analysis Of Characters And Plot: Backroads By Tawni ODell :: essays research papers fc

Danielle Barnes Backroads SUMMARY OF MAJOR EVENTS Backroads begins with Harley being questioned by the police for a crime that the reader knows not of. He delves into the story that has brought him up to this point, beginning from a year after his mother shot his father. The events in the course of this are breath taking. Harley is nineteen and the legal guardian of his three younger sisters: Amber (sixteen), Misty (twelve), and Jody (six). His conflicts range from having to raise these three girls while working two jobs, trying to be like â€Å"other guys,† mentally sorting out all the complications that come with having a mother who murdered an abusive father, and coming to grips with his tortured and confusing past. As Harley continues to roughly go through his therapy sessions, the deeper truths about his abusive upbringing reveal themselves, including the reasons for Amber’s strange behavior about Harley secretly dating Callie Mercer (explanation will come later), and her promiscuous sex life. I think the major conflict would have to be Harley facing who he is and what his family is. Throughout the entire story up until the near end, Harley is led to believe that his mother is the one who killed their father. Actually, all of the children and the media and everyone else who knows about the murder accuse their mother of the crime because she turns herself in for it. Harley is torn between feeling like his father deserved it and feeling as though his mother had just given up. As the plot progresses, however, it is more apparent that something is missing. Their mother was planning on leaving their father; she had money stashed away to do so, but when Misty found out, she stole the money so that their mother couldn’t leave. There are hints of a strange relationship between Misty and their father. When Harley finally gets up the strength to ask his mother about the suspicions he has, she tells him that Misty was the one who killed their father, but it was a missed shot. She had been aiming for their mother instead, trying to get rid of her as if she was the oth er woman. Harley internally realizes though that Misty was simply revenging her anger for never taking care of any of the children, for never leaving when she should have, for not loving them enough. The ultimate climax, however, is at the end.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Eng 125 Week 1 Assignment

ENG/125 8/6/2012 A Poem Poetry is not something that I would normally be interested in. I’ve tried writing poetry only to end up a dismal failure. I’ve tried to read poetry only to end up bored halfway through. I’ve always wanted to be one of those soulful poetic types who walk around with a serene look on their faces, snapping their fingers when something tickles their fancy but I’ve never quite made that transition. Poetry, to me, seems to be a fanciful, ethereal pursuit that has somehow always gone over my head no matter how hard I’ve tried.Since I’ve failed miserably at being a poet or even enjoying poetry, you can imagine my surprise when I read â€Å"Dog’s Death† and not only enjoyed it but it touched my heart. A good poem knows how to grab not only the reader’s attention but will snag the reader’s emotions and take them on a roller coaster; whether it has a happy or a sad ending the poem should keep the read er’s interest until the end. The poem â€Å"Dog’s Death† is a poem about a dog that has become a part of a family only to later be injured and die a slow death from a liver laceration.The author talks of how the dog learned to use the bathroom by going potty on newspapers and then moves on to being potty trained. The author talks of how the family plays with the dog though the dog is hemorrhaging the whole time. The author talks of how they finally saw that there was a problem and rushed the dog to the vet but the dog died on the way and, finally, the author talks of how the dog, in the last hours of her life, has diarrhea in the house but has found a discarded newspaper to go on so as not to soil the floor.The tone that the author uses is a ton of wistfulness and sadness. One might expect the author to use a tone of urgency as they rush the dog to the vet but the poet is remembering the event and the tone has been glazed over with a sadness that downplays the u rgency. The author also uses a poignant metaphor [Definition. (2005-2010)] when he says â€Å"As we teased her with play, blood was filling her skin/and her heart was learning to lie down forever†.I can clearly picture the dog trying her hardest to play with the family because she loves them so much but knowing that something is wrong and probably being in a lot of pain at the same time. The faithfulness that the dog shows is heart rending and so very sad but uplifting at the same time. The formalist approach to critiquing literature is the most widely used form [Clugston, R. W. (2010)]. In the formalist approach the reader is asked to look into the piece of literature to see what parts make the piece interesting.The formalist approach asks questions like â€Å"Was there a surprise? † â€Å"How were the characters described? † and â€Å"Why was the plot interesting? † [Clugston, R. W. (2010)]. The formalist approach really gets the reader thinking about w hy they liked the piece, what part was their favorite part and which was their favorite character. The formalist approach can really get to the heart of a piece of literature. In â€Å"Dog’s Death† the author uses the main character (we assume the male head of the family) to describe the dog’s beginning as well as the dog’s last moments in life.The character’s weren’t around for long so they didn’t have a lot of time to develop but we know that the dog was faithful and loving, the man was loving and kind and the rest of the family loved the dog very much. The setting was memorable because you very quickly realize that there is something wrong with the dog so the reader’s interest is quickly snagged and is snagged again at the end when the main character realizes that the dog had one last accident but used a discarded newspaper in order to keep the floor clean.The flow of the poem adds to the appeal because the meter of the poem makes the words roll off of the tongue without tripping over superfluous syllables or complicated words. The idea of the poem is a simple story of a family and their dog and the circumstances surrounding the dog’s demise. If the author had put large words with complicated meanings it would detract from the idea of the poem. A â€Å"Dog’s Death† is an emotional poem that is very well written, flows naturally and uses terms, tone and characters that all readers can relate too.The poem, told in the first person, is thought provoking, interesting, has highs and lows and leaves the reader really feeling the meaning of the poem; and that is what a poem is meant for. References Definition. (2005-2010). Retrieved from http://www. poetryarchive. org/poetryarchive/glossaryItem. do? letter=M&id=8079 Clugston, R. W. (2010). Journey into literature. San Diego, Ca: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

buy custom Historical Context of Prison Epistles essay

buy custom Historical Context of Prison Epistles essay Epistles refers to the letters, in terms of Biblical books, that Paul wrote during his incarceration in Rome. Pauls forerunner, Jesus, brought him to Rome so that he could complete the mission strategy that he gave to his disciples before his ascension. According to the book of Acts chapter eight, Jesus addressed his disciples and informed them that they would be his witnesses in Judea, Jerusalem as well as in Samaria and other parts of the earth. Paul went to Rome to spread Gospel. Through his visit to Rome, the Gospel of Jesus was taken from Jerusalem, the Jewish capital to the Gentile capital, Rome. However, his apostolic activities in Rome did not work well as he expected. His activities were limited, and he never had any freedom of movement to spread the Gospel. Instead, he was chained and became under house arrest and strict guards (McGrath, 2006). Pauls imprisonment started in Caesarea some years later. He later took time and revisited the churches in Greeces Northern Province, Macedonia during his second journey as a missionary. From Macedonia, Paul traveled to Jerusalem through Miletus and Troas. On arrival to Jerusalem, the Jews, claiming that he had brought the Gentiles into the temple thus desecrating it, mobbed him ruthlessly. He was rescued by the Roman soldiers who took him into their custody. Paul was imprisoned by the Roman governor Felix for two years hoping that Paul would bribe him for freedom. During this time, he wrote the Prison epistles. The epistles were letters addressed to the Ephesians, Philemon, Thessalonians, Colossians, and Philippians. Most of these letters were about the relationship of these people with their God. Role of the Hoy Spirit according to Paul The Holy Spirit plays a pivotal role in the Christian lives. He gives Christians faith. He awakens the believers faith so that they may have eternal life through their knowledge of God as the only true God worth worshipping. The Holy Spirit is also responsible in drawing Christians to Christ through its grace. The joint communion between the Holy Spirit and Christ brings Christians closer to God. He helps Christians to love God. Through its power, Christians receive new lives in Christ, which enables them to love God the same way He loves them. The Holy Spirit helps Christians in knowing God. In First Corinthians chapter two, we are told that no one apart from the Holy Spirit can understand the thoughts of God. It helps Christians in their prayers. He enables them to pray the way they should do it. The Holy Spirit also intercedes for them in many ways. He promotes unity in the church. The Holy Spirit, The Father, and the Son are in one Trinity. The church is, therefore, also one or unified by the three Trinity. He acts as the churchs soul, that is, the Body of Christ. He directs the church in all His actions with a goal of proclaiming Gods Promised Kingdom. The Holy Spirit helps in the growth of the church. The Holy Spirit ensures that the church develops in order to continue with the Work of Christ (Son) whom the Father had commanded. He does this by giving blessings to the church like good clergy and other charismatic gifts. He helps Christians in their religious services (liturgy). He prepares them for the coming of Christ at the same time reminding them of the mysteries of the Christ before and after His death (McGrath, 2006). HHow Historical Context in the Wenham Textbooks and Epistles Relate to Jesus and Spirits Teachings in John 14:15-27 and 16:5-15 In John 14:15-27, Jesus address the people telling them to keep His commands if they love Him. He promises them to ask God, the Father to give them another Helper or Advocate who will be with them forever. The Helper, in this context, refers to the Holy Spirit. He says that the world or other people cannot accept the Lord because they do not know Him. He assures never to leave them like orphans. He also said that anyone who loves Him would be loved by the Father (John 14: 15-27 New King James Version). In John 16: 5-15, Jesus addresses his disciples before His ascension. He identifies their grief. He goes ahead to comfort them that His ascension is for their own good for if He does not go, the Advocate will not come. He outlines the roles of the Advocate as judges who will prove the world wrong due to their sins and acknowledge the righteous. The judge will look into two aspects, sin, and righteousness. Sin because most people do not believe in Him (Christ). Righteousness because He will be with the Father and nobody will see Him any more (John 16:5-15 New King James Version). Wenhams book analyzes the law book of the Bible, Leviticus. The author of the book tends to explain how people are being taught the Laws of Moses, Torah. Teaching involves the priests who explained, in detailed form the meaning of each law and its relevance. Those who break these laws were punished accordingly (Wenham, 1979). There is a similarity between the two references as both focuses on the upkeep of justice in the societies through judging the wrong doers (Wenham, 1979). Buy custom Historical Context of Prison Epistles essay

Monday, October 21, 2019

Cancer Research Video Essay Example

Cancer Research Video Essay Example Cancer Research Video Essay Cancer Research Video Essay The videos that I will be comparing are the Animal Aid and the Cancer Research Video. The animal aid company is a company that tries to get people to stop testing products on animals. They also carry out protests to the government to try and make it illegal. However not much has been done about it but the company still continues to carry out its good work. Cancer Research is an organisation that is trying to find a cure into cancer. They also try and find ways to prevent caner and issue information to people to minimise the risk of cancer and to look for warning signs.In my assignment I am going to compare the two media videos. I am going to compare the persuasive techniques that are used in the video and I am also going to look for similarities in camera techniques. The cancer research video is mainly aimed at adults. I know this because they ask for a donation and kids wouldnt have any money to donate to the organisation. I think the animal aid video is aimed at teenagers and upwards. I dont think it would be suitable for children or younger children as there are some disturbing scenes that would probably upset them. Both of the media videos use shock tactics and different techniques.Some of these techniques used in the video are very similar to each other and are very effective. In the cancer research video there is a shock tactic right at the start. A boy is stood looking into a mirror with a projection of his mum also in the mirror; his mum then puts his coat on and is made to look as if she is looking after him. The camera then takes a shot back to the boy and his mum isnt there. This is a shock tactic because his mum disappears meaning that she is no longer there. This presumably shows that she has died from some sort of cancer. There is also a close-up shot on the boys head.His head is bowed and he looks very sad that his mum is no longer there. This created emotion and captures the viewers attention. Another significant thing is that the boy looks quite scruffy. I think this has been done to show that he has no one to look after him because his mum has died. This creates an emotive image. People can also relate to this or think that this could happen to them. Because of this they are more likely to donate money to the organisation. The animal aid video also uses shock tactics and most of the duration of the video there are shock tactics used throughout it.Right from the start there are shocking videos showing what happens inside some of the animal testing centres. Hidden cameras are used in the video so they can show you what really happens. Shocking images are used like a monkey with CRAP burned onto his forehead. There are also images of humans that are hitting dogs and beating them up. The narrator at this point says that Beagles are friendly and like human attention. However on the film they look very scared and they are trying to get away from the humans. Along with a lot of shock tactics implemented into the video there are also lots of facts and figures brought up on the video.During the animal aid video there are both facts and figures brought up telling the viewer about how many animals are operated on a year and it then tells you how many actually worked. The cancer research video also shows a lot of facts and figures to the viewer. It gives you information on how many people catch cancer and how many are cured. It also tells you that 9 out of 10 children are cured from luqemia every year. The two videos are very like in this way although they have different objectives. The videos also contain a lot of repetition.The animal aid video also has repetition in it when a cross keeps coming up on the screen with a negative sound in the background. This happens because it is emphasising the fact that so many experiments have failed and that it is better to carry out some testing on humans instead. The cancer research video also has repetition in it. The i? 2 donation per month keeps coming up on the screen along with the number. This is also brought up in the video at different times. It is brought up four times in total. The video does this so you can keep the number in your head and also gives you a chance to pick up the phone and ring them.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Relationship Between Terrorism And Tourism Tourism Essays

The Relationship Between Terrorism And Tourism Tourism Essays The Relationship Between Terrorism And Tourism Tourism Essay The Relationship Between Terrorism And Tourism Tourism Essay The words touristry and terrorist act exist at either terminal of a continuum of quality of life. The word touristry means populating merrily, enjoyment, and relaxation, while terrorist act means feeling of decease, devastation, frights and terrors every where. Harmonizing to Beirman ( 2003 ) , tourers are primary concerned with going to the finish fulfilling their desires with minimal complications, menaces to their safety and wellbeing , while on the other manus Gilham ( 2001 ) said, physical menace or serious perturbations to one s programs are suffer to cut down the chances of a tourer finish or tourer house . In past decennary terrorist act has really terrible impacts on the travel and touristry industry than any other industry. The chief ground of this may be because the basic aims of the terrorist groups are to distribute fright, as a consequence the basic safety and security of people threatened. Harmonizing to Abraham Maslow ( 1943 ) the Hierarchy of demands, he said tha t human nature neer satisfied when they have met their basic demands for safety and security. When they are able to fulfill their basic demands, so they attempt to fulfill their ego realization demands such as better life, travel and touristry. Harmonizing to Essner 2003 ) , the psychological impacts are plenty to hold terrible impacts on touristry. The fright of terrorist act is irrational, because in terrorist onslaught opportunities of being killed are really small and security environment has demonstrated its negative impacts on touristry in many top finishs around the universe. Three industries are dominated in twenty-first century, telecommunications, Information engineering and touristry. Harmonizing to World Tourism Organization 2008 study, touristry provides employment over 100 1000000s around the universe. Tourism is an of import economic sector for UK economic system and harmonizing to BBC 2010 study ; domestic and abroad visitants put an ?115 one million millions a twelvemonth in UK economic system. The direct part in the UK economic system was ?52 billion in term of GDP which represent 4 % of UK economic system. Tourism besides provides 1.36 million occupations in 2009 to UK work force which is 4.4 % of entire work force. UK is the universe s 6th largest international touristry finish in term on figure of tourers, but after September 11, 2001 and July 7, 2005 incidents this industry was severely affected. Harmonizing to the LCCI ( 2005 ) study, it has been estimated that the autumn in touristry could be UK touristry industry over ?300 1000000s. In this competitory age, the concern environment is altering dramatically. Terrorism is the biggest menace to touristry industry because travel is susceptible to the incidents of terrorist act. When people travel they ever avoid jeopardies, so for tourers safety is the major concern. During the past decennary particularly after September 11 2001, there are figure of events which have had important negative impacts on UK touristry. The correlativity between terrorist act and touristry is undeniable in the epoch due to industry strength and tourer topographic points are the ideal mark for terrorist to make big sum of economic and societal break in the state. In UK terrorist act can be seen in significant portion, as a consequence of this recoil to the touristry industry. There are figure of definitions of terrorist act, in the universe of Alexander et Al ( 1979 ) terrorist act is a menace or usage of enforcement and bad weather to accomplish a political end by agencies of bullying fri ght, and coercion . In the present universe context, the European Union ( 2001 ) specify the terrorist act relevant to international concern in the undermentioned words. Terrorist offenses are certain condemnable offenses set out in a list comprised mostly of serious offenses against individuals and belongings which, given their nature or context, may earnestly damage a state or an international administration where committed with the purpose of: earnestly intimidating a population ; or unduly obliging a Government or international administration to execute or abstain from executing any act ; or earnestly destabilizing or destructing the cardinal political, constitutional, economic or societal constructions of a state or an international administration . Harmonizing to U.S Department of province ( 2002 ) , terrorist select concerns ( e.g. touristry topographic points ) for onslaught comparison to other marks . The most sort of onslaught is bomb blast, although armed onslaughts and snatch are besides some sorts of terrorist onslaughts. Harmonizing to Council of Foreign Relations ( 2002 ) reported the bulk of victims in terrorist onslaught are civilians . The comparatively big figure of tourers may non fix to confront these sorts of terrorist onslaughts. However the scenario has changed as it was at the clip of terrorist onslaught in 9/11. Kunreuther et Al ( 2003 ) cited that during the yearss of terrorist onslaughts in 9/11 a common feeling came into head of people that it could be me. But with the transition of clip this may give manner to may be it will non me following clip. This sort of behavior is more common now a twenty-four hours in south Asia. But it is a common thought that it is highly easy for terrorist that to assail any where in the universe. Even in low cost and low tech onslaughts, terrorists achieve to interrupt the touristry industry. Terrorism has deep history scientific discipline the cold war but this issue become most outstanding after terrorist onslaughts in September 11 2001. This incident affected the UK and international touristry industry in assorted ways. On one manus the universe touristry industry was affected financially, the other manus it suffers due to legal and security issues. The international touristry industry between states was most earnestly affected due to security and safety concerns and legal issue. Especially UK, US and other developed states were irresistible impulse to protect their district and people at any cost. Tourism industry in UK and USA found themselves staggering financially in the months after the terrorist onslaught on universe Trade Centre, while remainder of the universe touristry industry besides lost 1000000s of dollars. Harmonizing to U.S section of province ( 2002 ) more than 3000 people of different nationalities were killed in the terrorist attacks merely in the Uni ted States in September 11, 2001. The onslaughts were the conspicuous illustration of terrorist act on planetary degree. Harmonizing to the overview of European committee ( 2001 ) this was the one of the major event in the yesteryear decennaries which diversifies the point of view and mentality of people around the universe. Terrorism affects both the long term and short term positions of the concerns around the universe. Czinkota ( 2002 ) cited that terrorist act influenced long term karma of full industries, for illustration touristry, retailing and fabrication industries. After the September 11 terrorist onslaughts many international tourer finishs have severely affected lawfully because states have introduced new Torahs for alien tourers e.g. rigorous visas demands, security cheque and condemnable record cheque etc. UK authorities besides introduced rigorous in-migration jurisprudence for every one who wishes to come UK for touristry in the attempt to forestall farther terrorist onslaughts. The new terrorist Torahs restricted the tourers for freely travel across the UK boundary lines and require by security section to maintain proper path of their activities. The anti terrorist Torahs have made really complicated for touristry industry to carry on its concern activities across the international boundary lines as a consequence many states touristry industries have financially struggled. Another major issue that affect the international touristry industry is security and authorities have to put immense sum of money to better both internal and external security. The security is most of import because terrorist mark hot musca volitanss to accomplish their marks. There is non a huge existing literature which shows the relationship between terrorist act and touristry direction theories, and the deficiency of presence of research literature is perfectly seeable on the relationship between terrorist act and touristry direction, which elaborates constructive techniques for touristry industry in the presence of phenomena of terrorist act. Terrorism has capacity to make ambiance of fright and can be intimidate industry in figure of ways. This menace of terrorist act onslaughts poses a uninterrupted ambiance of hazard for the touristry around the universe. This hazard itself creates extension for intervention of hazard in direction theories. The bulk of direction literature theories adopt term uncertainty as a factor of unpredictable environment which may act upon the public presentation of houses in certain ways. The environment effected by terrorist act besides has a factor of capriciousness in it. This survey is another effort to research and in vestigates impacts of terrorist act on the touristry industry in UK and we will besides discourse different attacks for cut downing and managing the terrorist act menaces. Research purpose and aim: Research Purpose: This purpose of this research is to analyze and research the effects of terrorist act on touristry industry in the United Kingdom after September 11 2001. The 2nd portion of my research is to critically analyze and urge the most appropriate schemes for touristry industry to cover with the terrorist menaces or size up the different strategic positions to avoid and understate the impact of terrorist act on industry. Research Aims: This research has the following single aims: Critically analyse the impact of terrorist act on single organisation and the whole market. Measure the managerial public presentation in organisations, before, during and after the occurrence of the terrorist onslaughts and in unsure environment. Research Questions: What is terrorist act and why terrorist mark concern? What are the effects of terrorist act on concern? How to development scheme for directors or follow a better attacks to cover with above mentioned issues? Abbreviation and nomenclature: Uncertainty: specifically intend the unpredictable environment ; it is unpredictable when following terrorist onslaught will happen. Hazard: average menace ; internal and external menace in concern environment which may impact the productiveness of administration.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The fail city---Philadelphia, PA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The fail city---Philadelphia, PA - Essay Example It has an art and culinary mix that is reflective of its ethnic mix of Irish, Scottish, and German immigrants in the seventeenth century, then followed later mostly by immigrants from southern and eastern Europe such as Poles, Italians, Hungarians, etc. and followed again by another immigrant wave of African-Americans during a period called as their Great Migration in the early twentieth century. Before the European settlers and colonizers came to Pennsylvania, this state is the home of the Delaware native-American tribe as well as other Indian tribes like the Iroquois, Shawnee, Erie, and Susquehannock. Pennsylvania is one of the original thirteen states which declared independence from Great Britain. Although its state capital today is Harrisburg, it is Philadelphia which has a rich historic legacy in most important events of American history, like the Declaration of Independence (1776) and the signing of the Constitution (1787), as it was the preferred meeting place of the Founding Fathers. Philadelphia once surpassed Boston as a chief seaport in the mid-Atlantic seaboard. This paper examines the success factors of Philadelphia from an anthropological, economic, and political viewpoint during its heyday. Discussion Philadelphia had always been the center of most human activities since its early time as a European settlement. As such, its success can be viewed from an anthropological angle or perspective because it was, and still is today, a melting pot (or salad bowl) on the East Coast. The original settlers of Philadelphia were the Indians and a first wave of European colonizers was the Dutch, followed by the British, and then a bit later, by the Swedes. The resulting mix of various European settlers intermarried with the natives. This mixture of peoples produced a tolerant attitude towards other cultures and got the best aspects of each culture to make the present culture of Philadelphia today which is progressive, flexible, and open to new ideas. The peopl e of Philadelphia are composed mostly of white Europeans (almost 82%) who are non-Hispanic with the next big majority being either black Americans or African- Americans (non-Hispanic origin). Besides these two, there are also many ethnic groups in the city’s population such as Native Americans (descendants of the remnants of original tribes) and Asians such as Pakistanis, Chinese, Indians, Vietnamese, Koreans, and Cambodians. The composition of Philadelphia’s population is truly cosmopolitan hence it is similar to New York City in terms of ethnic diversity. The different groups learned to live with each other in peace due to close proximity and tolerance for their differences. Philadelphians have learned to accommodate, cooperate and collaborate in the racial politics of culture (Baker 130). Although anthropology has four main areas of concentration in terms of study (the sociocultural, biological-physical, archaeological, and lastly, linguistics anthropology) it is th e sociocultural aspects of Philadelphia’s anthropology which can best explain its success as a big, modern city. This is to examine the city in terms of its sociocultural features such as in social patterns, religious beliefs, and cultural practices, as defined (American Anthropological Association, para. 2) because it determines justice, balance of

Friday, October 18, 2019

What are most important causes of radical islamist terrorism in South Essay

What are most important causes of radical islamist terrorism in South Asia(PAKISTAN) - Essay Example Terrorist have become a weapon of war while hiding behind a selfish religious background that does not play by the rule of religious laws. Political and economic waves within the country that have fuelled radicalization can be linked to poor leadership within the country. Autocratic leadership, corruption and high poverty levels in Pakistan have further fuelled the problem. From this perspective, the increase in radical Islam terrorism in South Asia is a consequence of weak leadership. The essay seeks to identify the various causes of terrorism within the country and possible approaches to contain the problem. Since its founding in the 1950s, Pakistan has had a long history of terrorism. The government estimates over 35,000 deaths of Pakistanis and an economic loss of about $68 billion within the country as a result of Islam extremist war. Although the country has had a consistent 6% growth in its economy, the country remains heavily indebted due to over expenditure in non-developmental projects such as Security due to its rivalry with nearby countries such as India1. Pakistan is a country that was founded shortly after India gained independence within areas that had high concentration of Islams.2 The Muslims intended to establish their own territories and to become a liberal state where they could worship freely and uphold their traditions. The Muslims felt that their social interaction with other religions was becoming a threat to their religious value and they were falling in the risk of religious dilution. As they refer to Islam as a â€Å"way of life†, they felt that acquiring freedom would be the best approach to sustaining their values in globalising world. The terrorism in Pakistan has had both internal and external implication in the world. Within the country, terrorism has subdivided the country into two religious groups

United States and education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

United States and education - Essay Example Education for all is the most important thing to be achieved by nation as a whole.Thomas Jefferson,the third president of United States of America pioneered the plan that could be implemented upon to make education available to every single citizen while considering right to education equivalent to fundamental rights and would also get over the inequality factor.He elaborated his views about education as a tool not only to make better personalities but also a better nation.His work as mentioned above have envisioned learning not just along the old philosophy of what the students are learning but also on how are they learning. The vision of learning skill is what an educator would wish to see. This is because of the rise in number of students that will provide better results. The incorporation of improved theory into regular administrative schedules and classroom will help the educators and students in concentrating on teaching and learning process and then infusing another wave of dy namicity with reference to real world context. Learning in the classroom will generate a new relationship between the world and the student thereby engaging and modernizing various methods for assessment as well as study. The broader relation between the educators and the students will give real time information to the teachers about the performance of the students. Through this they can search for newer methods to help their students. These processes will ensure more compact relationship and the students will learn in a very few period rather than the months.... Increasing reliability in the classroom can be achieved through the use of Positive teaching methods. Constructivism has been an important ingredient of Jefferson learning theory proposing learners to create their own understanding as they combine what they already believe to be true based on their past experiences with new experiences. Though modern education may consider constructivism as a philosophy of learning which has its roots primarily to the work of John Dewey (1916) and Jean Piaget (1973). Vygotsky's work (1978) also contributed to the movement toward constructivism. Jefferson emphasized that theories of learning should be shifted from orientation based on observable phenomenon to an orientation that emphasize internal cognitive processing. This shows significant shift toward constructivism. The belief that learning comes from inside continues to grow. Knowledge could only gain on which circumstance it comes from that had meaning to the learner. The learning context must be a social context in which students work together to build knowledge. The children should be encouraged to develop concepts and derive their own ideas from those introduced to them. A social learning perspective should be developed through which children learn through interaction with others. Critical thinking is one of the areas where over the decades both educators & policy make argued about schools. Much of this debate has not been based on empirical data. Even though students, right from primary schools must learn facts and basic skills, the data suggest that emphasis on advanced reasoning skills promotes higher student performance. Jefferson pedagogical models promotes this meaningful type of learning process, a process in which learning helps students make sense of new

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Food security in Pakistan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Food security in Pakistan - Essay Example It will also attempt to provide evaluative recommendations to shape more efforts toward human security. Pakistan Situation Hunger is a chronic malady that causes malnutrition, illness, and death. Food crisis swept across Pakistan affecting (Husain, 2009) half of its total population who can’t avail the minimum consumption needs since most of its 121 districts confront problems on malnutrition, hunger and economic depravity. As it confronts the demand of contemporary social affairs, the government is on one hand dispensing governance amid (Husain, 2009) economic instability, a condition that aggravated the condition of the hungry and those in deplorable circumstances. Sociologists expressed serious concern that tribal areas, Baluchistan and Northwest Frontier Province (NWFP), resided mostly of landless farmers, are the most vulnerable to hunger. Toor (2000; 100) posit that the crisis started when there was mis-prioritization of government’s agenda to extraction industr y instead of agricultural programs. It was perceived that the decision of debt-ridden Musharraf’s administration to undergo structural adjustment packages under the policies of World Bank-International Monetary Fund (WB-IMF) as one of the major causes of poverty. The adjustment trimmed down the budgetary subsidy for wheat production and exported produce to external markets, thus prompting farmers to divert to cash-crops farming to meet both ends (Toor, 2000: 101). Said structural adjustment directly affected social services too, such as education, health, public utilities and transportation. Worst, as subsidy for agriculture was compacted, the percentage of taxes levied to people also increased but there is less empirical evidence of outcomes that ‘augmented taxation’ contributed to vigorous delivery of social services in the country. Throughout the last decade, the Islamic Republic, with an ideation of democratic governance for an estimated population of 187 mil lion (UN, 2011 and Statistics Division Government of Pakistan, 2011) suffered fluctuating level of foreign investment, extreme poverty, slow growth rate and unemployment. Its foreign and domestic debt reached to $57.21 billion (2010 estimates). Of their human resource, 15% are unemployed, 40% were landless (Toor, 2000: 103) while the economy ailed with budget deficit as national expenditures rose to estimated $ 36.24 billion as against the revenue of $25.33 billion (WFP, 2011). Inflation of commodities coupled with agricultural devastation caused by disasters is seriously affecting them (UN, 2011). The situation is further compounded in the mid part of the millennium when the whole country suffered catastrophic destruction due to earthquakes and flood. Aside from this ecological concern, they are beset with heightening tension in Kashmir-- a region considered under territorial dispute (WFP, 2011) although the region is currently deployed with peacekeepers to diffuse tension among cl aimant countries: China (Aksai Chin), India (Jammu and Kashmir), and Pakistan (Azad Kashmir and Northern Areas) (WFP, 2011). Moreover, Pakistan is also host of Afghan refugees estimated at 1.05 million of displaced population. Due to domestic conflict, the country also suffered millions of displacement in 2010 (WFP, 2011).

Genetics and Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Genetics and Society - Essay Example This number will surely rise after the Supreme Court ruling in the Maryland v. King hearing. The court stated that law enforcers are allowed to collect DNA from people who are arrested but not charged or find guilty of any crime. DNA databases are employed to help in identifying, tracking, cataloging, apprehending and the subsequent prosecution of crime perpetrators. Currently, international and national law enforcement agencies freely exchange DNA profiles that are collected from crime scenes to reveal serial perpetrators. These profiles are later used to solve crimes around the world (DNA analysis, 2003). By the year 2010, the United States of America had collected 7.8 million DNA samples to have the biggest database in the world. They also had three hundred thousand forensic profiles. The country with the second most extensive DNA profiles is the United Kingdom with five million profiles. In the United States, California has 1.2 million offender DNA profiles; they boast the third biggest database in the world (, 2015). Every cell in our bodies contains DNA and people leave cells behind without even knowing it. Some of the most ordinary bits that people leave around are blood drops, skin flakes, saliva and even hair; all these contain DNA that can be used to identify us. DNA forensics is heavily dependent on these small DNA bits that are later studied and tested to link criminals to committed crimes. It is a fascinating science that is commonly portrayed as simple, fallible, and an exact method of revealing the perpetrators and bringing them to justice by television shows. In the real world, testing the DNA samples collected from a crime scene, for example; a fingerprint and determining a match between a suspect and a crime is a complicated process. Such a process relies heavily on probability than most people realize (, 2015). The

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Food security in Pakistan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Food security in Pakistan - Essay Example It will also attempt to provide evaluative recommendations to shape more efforts toward human security. Pakistan Situation Hunger is a chronic malady that causes malnutrition, illness, and death. Food crisis swept across Pakistan affecting (Husain, 2009) half of its total population who can’t avail the minimum consumption needs since most of its 121 districts confront problems on malnutrition, hunger and economic depravity. As it confronts the demand of contemporary social affairs, the government is on one hand dispensing governance amid (Husain, 2009) economic instability, a condition that aggravated the condition of the hungry and those in deplorable circumstances. Sociologists expressed serious concern that tribal areas, Baluchistan and Northwest Frontier Province (NWFP), resided mostly of landless farmers, are the most vulnerable to hunger. Toor (2000; 100) posit that the crisis started when there was mis-prioritization of government’s agenda to extraction industr y instead of agricultural programs. It was perceived that the decision of debt-ridden Musharraf’s administration to undergo structural adjustment packages under the policies of World Bank-International Monetary Fund (WB-IMF) as one of the major causes of poverty. The adjustment trimmed down the budgetary subsidy for wheat production and exported produce to external markets, thus prompting farmers to divert to cash-crops farming to meet both ends (Toor, 2000: 101). Said structural adjustment directly affected social services too, such as education, health, public utilities and transportation. Worst, as subsidy for agriculture was compacted, the percentage of taxes levied to people also increased but there is less empirical evidence of outcomes that ‘augmented taxation’ contributed to vigorous delivery of social services in the country. Throughout the last decade, the Islamic Republic, with an ideation of democratic governance for an estimated population of 187 mil lion (UN, 2011 and Statistics Division Government of Pakistan, 2011) suffered fluctuating level of foreign investment, extreme poverty, slow growth rate and unemployment. Its foreign and domestic debt reached to $57.21 billion (2010 estimates). Of their human resource, 15% are unemployed, 40% were landless (Toor, 2000: 103) while the economy ailed with budget deficit as national expenditures rose to estimated $ 36.24 billion as against the revenue of $25.33 billion (WFP, 2011). Inflation of commodities coupled with agricultural devastation caused by disasters is seriously affecting them (UN, 2011). The situation is further compounded in the mid part of the millennium when the whole country suffered catastrophic destruction due to earthquakes and flood. Aside from this ecological concern, they are beset with heightening tension in Kashmir-- a region considered under territorial dispute (WFP, 2011) although the region is currently deployed with peacekeepers to diffuse tension among cl aimant countries: China (Aksai Chin), India (Jammu and Kashmir), and Pakistan (Azad Kashmir and Northern Areas) (WFP, 2011). Moreover, Pakistan is also host of Afghan refugees estimated at 1.05 million of displaced population. Due to domestic conflict, the country also suffered millions of displacement in 2010 (WFP, 2011).

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Journal # 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Journal # 1 - Essay Example Internship is an elemental component of nursing leadership where nursing students get to experience various professional scenarios first hand. The first day of Masters in Nursing Leadership internship at The Lake County Community Health Center involved meeting Damaris, M. She is the director of the family case management, nurse family, pregnancy prevention and health-works program. The meeting acted as introduction to what the internship entailed including the number of times such meetings were going to take place in a week. A notable engagement during the internship period was taking part in preparing for an upcoming performance review for the department (Clark 72). This created an opportunity for one to learn what is required in the operations of such a department. The internship also offered invaluable pointers onto the viability of my intended project. This was in the sense that it provided for a chance to remedy all the shortcomings of the project. The internship experience worked towards improving the content and context of the nursing leadership

In Search of Your Own Identity Essay Example for Free

In Search of Your Own Identity Essay After various writings by Richard Rodriguez and Octavio Paz, I have come across several realizations. Who am I? Should I be a part of a nation and a â€Å"system† that does not value me, or should I be a part of a nation that does not acknowledge my existence? The United States as a nation does not value me, and Mexico does not even know that I exist. These are difficult matters to discuss. We are all in search of our own identity. However, some of us are placed in a situation that makes it very difficult and confusing to know or understand. I have always asked myself, â€Å"Who am I? † I should put it in more crude words, â€Å"Where do I belong? † After this specific question is asked, I begin to realize that I have problems coming up with a response. My parents were born in Mexico, and thus, they are Mexican. Sometimes I feel I belong here in the United States, but other times I feel more attached to Mexico. I am a Mexican-American. However, I feel that I am denying in some way my heritage and my culture by saying that I am. I am denying my parents. I say that I’m Mexican because in a sense I am. I am also an American. I am a Mexican-American. What do these terms put together imply? They should imply that the person is Mexican and American. The term â€Å"Mexican-American† is the very reason why I find myself confused about who I really am. I need to search for my own identity, which leads me to the purpose of this essay. Rodriguez and Paz have discussed this particular problem of identity. All three have different viewpoints. Some of their ideas are similar but mostly contradictory, especially in the case of Rodriguez and Paz. As I was reading, I was able to relate to what they had to say, and in a much bigger sense, I was able to understand and know who I am. I was able to find my self. According to Paz, self-discovery is most than anything realizing that we are alone. Paz argues that our being or our identity becomes a problem and a question. It becomes a problem because of several reasons. We just don’t simply wake up one day and realize that we don’t know who we are. There are individuals who are placed in difficult situations that allow for these questions to arise. For example, the migration of Mexicans to the United States is a situation that will definitely cause many to question their identity. I agree because if we had not moved to the United States, I would simply consider myself a Mexican without a doubt. Paz strongly argues that different circumstances are likely to produce different reactions. This migration is a circumstance that will bring about confusion among the Mexicans about who they really are. It is ironic how a few miles can bring about such a change in you. Personally, I have experiences such a confusion by simply moving twenty miles North of where I lived. I lived in Reynosa since I was eight. Then, my family and I moved here to McAllen. At the beginning, you don’t feel quite like you fit. It makes it very difficult because it is a completely different world. Even though the majority of the people are of Mexican origin, it still makes it very hard. After the years, I became somewhat used to the life here and began to feel comfortable. However, I also began to question my identity. It is the moment we cross that border that we lose our identity. Paz argues that instead of asking ourselves questions, we should do something about it. We cannot go on contemplating who we are, rather, we should work with our situation and do something. Our questions are only an excuse for not facing reality. I agree with Paz because sometimes, we continue to complain and complain and simply think about our present situation. However, we do nothing to change it. I believe that Mexican-Americans need to stop talking about our injustices and discrimination and do something. However, Paz does mention that Mexicans have an inferiority complex. We begin to doubt our own abilities. This happens because of our culture. We are taught to listen and stay quiet. On the other hand, Anglo-Americans are taught to voice their opinions. There are many differences in both the Anglo-American culture and Mexican culture. These differences are the reason why it is impossible to blend or mix. We are brought into a culture that is the complete opposite of ours. This is the reason why Paz says that our â€Å"Mexicanism† simply floats. It never exists, and it never goes away. One of the ways we react to this situation is by flaunting our differences. Paz talks about pachucos. They are a group of people of Mexican origin that are known for their language, behavior, and clothing. I remember when I went to high school and we had a pep rally, which landed right on September 16, which is Mexico’s independence. A group of friends and I decided to wear red, white, and green to celebrate Mexico’s independence. We were simply proud of being Mexicans and wanted to show our pride. However, there were problems with several of the administrators because it wasn’t just my friends and I doing it, but other people as well. The pep rally was canceled because they felt that our clothing would distract and cause conflict with the other â€Å"American† students in school. As I was reading Paz, he mentioned that Mexicans dress a certain way to stand out. They know they are rejected by the â€Å"American† society. They do this to be different and stand out. The disguise is a protection because it hides and points them out. Somehow, they are doing this to â€Å"belong† in some way. They are able to catch the attention of the Anglo-Americans. I don’t agree with Paz. I believe that sometimes people dress a certain way to show their pride. I do not dress a certain way to be different and so people can notice me. I am proud to be Mexican and want to show it off. When fourth of July comes, I also like to dress in red, white and blue to celebrate America’s independence. Is this possible or am I being a hypocrite? This question leads me to Richard Rodriguez. Richard Rodriguez’ Hunger of memory is an autobiography. I was able to read only part of his book. I found it quite fascinating. Rodriguez goes through many problems of identity. He has mixed feelings about his own self. He mainly talks about affirmative action. What does the term â€Å"minority student† mean? Is it something we want to be classified as? I had an experience in high school in which a student denied a part of himself. His mother is Anglo and his father is Mexican. However, throughout school, when it was time to check on the ethnicity, he would check out Anglo. He did this throughout his years in school, but when it was his senior year something happened. He decided to go talk to his counselor and tell her to change all his paperwork. He no longer wanted to be classified as Anglo, but Hispanic. When I heard this, it was very surprising. I cannot understand how this particular person decided to simply become Hispanic just so he could get the benefits of affirmative action. He was applying to scholarships and various universities, and he knew that if he was classified as a minority student, he would receive better benefits. This is not right. You cannot simply choose to be Hispanic for your convenience. You should not reject a part of yourself simply for your own benefits. Rodriguez faced this dilemma. He knew that he did not want to be labeled a minority student, but if this is what was going to get him in society, then he simply had to accept. Throughout life, Rodriguez wondered about his identity. He was criticized by many because he was a well-known writer who was invited as a guest speaker. He would be around Anglo-Americans, and many criticized him because they felt he had become a part of them. Is this really true? Isn’t your identity how â€Å"you† see yourself? Just because other people see you being around another class or race of people, doesn’t mean that you have become a part of them. You simply know that you are Mexican, American, or Mexican-American, and blending with other cultures doesn’t necessarily mean you lose your true self. Because of affirmative action, Rodriguez was able to be a guest speaker, and a professor at a university. He felt threatened at times because the felt somewhat alienated by the â€Å"other† society. Rodriguez did not have a good relationship with the Chicano students. He felt threatened by them. These students were still attached to their parents’ culture. These students knew how to speak Spanish very well. They were proud of their past. Rodriguez on the other hand, spoke in English. His Spanish was not that well. He did not want to associate himself to a past that meant â€Å"poor†. There was one specific time when Rodriguez’ parents saw a Hispanic student wearing a sarape. They were very surprised. Rodriguez said that these students were foolish to think themselves unchanged by their schooling. I disagree with Rodriguez because I believe that just because you are getting a higher education and have a good job, you forget that you are Hispanic or Mexican-American. Rodriguez simply wanted to justify his own change. He did not want to belong or keep a bond between a past that did not bring fond memories. He was not as disadvantaged as other Hispanics. However, he felt very strongly about not going to Chicano student meetings or social events sponsored by â€Å"La Raza. † I don’t agree with him. After reading this, I realized that he is wrong. I am proud to be Mexican-American. I am proud to carry the term â€Å"Mexican† and â€Å"American. † I am proud of my Mexican culture, customs, and beliefs. I don’t need to change in order to succeed or attain a higher education. Rodriguez suddenly came to this realization. He could not simply cast out his culture and simply erase it. At some point, he had a discussion with his several Hispanic students in which he did not agree with them. Soon, he was known to others as being a â€Å"coconut,† brown on the outside, white on the inside. I have learned many things this semester. I had not really given much thought Mexican-American history. I never realized about the various things that were discussed. It was an eye opener. I was also able to realize of the many problems and injustices that Hispanics face here in the United States. However, just like Paz said, we cannot simply contemplate these issues. We need to do something about them. I am attending college to receive a higher education. I know that education is extremely important. However, I am not losing my identity by coming to college. Getting an education does not necessarily make you a different person. I don’t agree with Rodriguez’s viewpoint. After reading Paz and Rodriguez, I began to see myself in some of what they had to say. I realized that I have gone through a confusion stage. I sometimes don’t know where I belong or who I am. I have come to the conclusion that I am simply American. America is a nation filled with various ethnic groups. Hispanics include people from Mexico, Honduras, Puerto Rico, Nicaragua, etc. There are also many Asians. I often ask myself why people from Ireland living here in America aren’t labeled Irish-American. They are simply American. Why then should we be labeled Mexican-American? Cant’ we simply be called American? I have come to the conclusion that I am American. American can mean different things to different people. To me American means being a part of Mexico as well as the United States. I consider myself a lucky person. I am able to be have the best of both worlds: Mexico and the United States. Tomorrow, I will celebrate Mother’s Day here in the United States and Monday it will be 10 de mayo, Dia de las Madres in Mexico. My mom is very lucky. She gets two gifts. I don’t believe that I am being a hypocrite by doing this. These are some of the advantages of being American.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Louis XVI Failure to Prevent the French Revolution

Louis XVI Failure to Prevent the French Revolution Through a close analysis, to a certain extent Louis XVI plays a major role in the advance of the French revolution. He was responsible for aspects of the revolution, but it was an event which was ready for creation, and nothing was going to terminate its destiny. The times prior were becoming extremely difficult, and France was becoming a worn-out, desperate country suffocating from finances and other communal issues. There were numerous causes for why the revolution took place such as the great division in society and specific events, and Louis XVI plays a minor role as the authority figure through the hardship and change. Thus, Louis XVI becomes a vulnerable king who receives a substantial amount of blame for the revolution. Louis-Auguste ascended the throne at the age of 20 after the death of his father and was married to Marie-Antoinette, a queen which was disliked by the public of France. Their characters were seen as contrasting, yet both were disfavoured by the people. Louis was the King in name and in power, but did not support this authority with his character. He was mildly interested in reform, more interested in his kingship, but most interested in hunting. Queen Marie-Antoinette was at fault for the revolution to a small extent also, and was extremely unpopular among the common folk of France as the representative of the hated Austrian alliance. The king was over-powered by the fatal influence of Marie-Antoinette, and was too weak-minded to be stable, and the Queen was too strong-minded to be sensible. The image that was portrayed of the King and Queen to the public eye was not of positive attitude, which causes the people of France to accuse the monarchy The first signs which revealed a crisis to be uprising were the financial situations France was confronted with during the 1780s. There were three main reasons for bankruptcy to take place in France, one which directly involved Louis XVI and caused repugnance to be felt by the public. The constant wars and ruinous loss of most of the French Empire made continuous borrowing a necessity, and along with it came an enormous amount of debt. France was known to have an inefficient taxation system, by which the third estate paid all the taxes and the nobles and clergy escaped on light terms. The main situation which directs at Louis XVIs flaws was that the French court alone was accounting for one twelfth of the whole revenue of the government, which allowed them to live in luxury while the government continued to slip into financial debts, and all the common folk of France. Louis XVI is a major part to why the government was continuing to subside into bankruptcy, and he is seen as a poor r ole model of high status. Specific events from 1788-1799 caused a pressure on France, and created a numerous amount of problems to occur. Louis XVI was not of fault for the reasons, which shows that he was not the only source of the revolution. Frances population growth had risen from knowledge of medical technology upgrading, causing strains on the economy and the agricultural resources of the country. With an increase in population came a decrease in job vacancies, causing a rapid increase of unemployment of the Parisiannes. Another specific problem to occur during the time period of a year was a harsh winter, which forced people into Paris in search of food and shelter. Food started to become increasingly short and prices began to fluctuate. The typical worker was now spending three quarters of their wages on food. The tension that grew from these important events during the year of 1788 and 1799 caused a sudden outbreak of a Paris Mob to form. They were a desperate mob of exceptional size that were idle a nd ready to cheer on the most extreme measures to create a change of misfortune. Therefore, this is evidence of one cause of the revolution, which Louis XVI was not of fault. Additional evidence supporting the fact that Louis XVI was not the main factor for the revolution to take place was the growth of ideas, which had been brought to the attention of the French people. Ideas were brought to the public by members of society who began to question the hierarchal society and its oppressive structure. Philosophers and thinkers were the main bodies of the ideas and believed in rights of the individual in society and the division of power and the basic freedoms of man. Many famous writers such as Voltaire, Jean Jaques Rousseau and many other familiar names endorsed the general feeling of uprising. It was an age of enlightenment and it was designed to liberate men and set them free from fear. They were against the beliefs churches were imposing on educating and religion. They wanted to create a change, and not allow the church to be in such dominant power anymore. Thus, this proves to the point that Louis was not the main vehicle behind the revolution that othe r dominant forces such as the church were oppressing towards the French society creating this distinct tension to the up rise. The last influence to the revolution was how the society of France was divided distinctively into three sections, and this was a subject that was in the power of the king, Louis XVI to govern. An extreme amount of tension and hatred had grown from the three separate classes; they were known as the first estate consisting of the clergy, the second estate which were the nobles, and the third estate holding a large percentage of 90 percent of the population, were the middle class, otherwise known as the bourgeoisie and peasants. The major resentment was held by the middle class who did not want to be categorized in the same title as the underprivileged. The nobles were exempt from almost all taxes, leaving the peasants and middle class to pay for them, which they could not afford to do. The Sans-culottes which was the term given to the radicals of Paris who wore long trousers instead of the aristocratic knee-breeches were from the class of artisans and small shopkeepers. There were no m ajor industrial enterprises, since they tended to be state monopolized or strictly regulated by the state. There were not many job opportunities for the peasantry and middle-class. The third estate was never given a fair chance of speech and was cast aside and ignored in any of its ideas or needs. No matter if they were of the middle class with academic background or just the common peasant they were treated as the outcasts of society. Louis XVI had the power to change the classes, since he was in absolute monarchy, but he was content with the way France was divided and felt there was no need to make the third estate pleased. Instead he decided to ignore their requests for change and left the tension of the estates to escalate. This is an indication that Louis XVI can not be completely excluded from the bringing about of the French Revolution. Thus, through the identification of the reasons of the initial events occurring to the uprising of the revolution, and through the cross analysis of Louis XVI being entwined to the causes, it can be seen that he was only a small component of the reasons. Louis XVI was in absolute monarchy and had power over many subjects, although there were reasons that no amount of power could have discontinued. As many historians have concluded about the French Revolution, France had become a very desperate country with a weak king and had a strong body of reformists, and needed only the smallest of events to occur to set it into fire. Louis XVI (23 August 1754-21 January 1793) was King of France and Navarre from 1774 until 1791, and then King of the French from 1791 to 1792. Suspended and arrested during the Insurrection of the 10th of August 1792, he was tried by the National Convention, found guilty of treason, and executed on 21 January 1793. His execution signaled the end of the absolutist monarchy in France and would eventually bring about the rise of Napoleon. There are conflicting views about his conviction. Not only is it believed that he was guilty and deserved to be guillotined in front of a cheering crowd on 21 January 1793, but a divergent view is held, outlining how his intentions were good but the circumstances were. But to what extent was Louis XVI really to blame? Though it is certain that Louis XVI failed to maintain the centralization of power; people were under the false impression that he was a vain, obtuse, and inadequate monarch, so clueless that on the day the Bastille was seized by revolutionaries, he wrote in his diary, Rien, Nothing happened.. This led to all the large forces in France conspiring to fragment power away from the monarchy. This meant that Louis could have been a scape goat and someone easy to blame for the revolution. He inherited the debt problem left by his grandfather, Louis XV, and contributed to the predicament himself through heavy spending during Frances involvement in the American  Revolution  (1775-1783). Because this massive debt overwhelmed all of his financial consultants, Louis XVI was forced to give in to the demands of the Parlement of Paris and convene the Estates, General. Also Marie Antoinette, who was brought up in indulgence as an Austrian princess, after their marriage became, in the French commoners eyes, the primary symbol of the French royaltys extravagance and excess. She was hindering their payment of loans both Louis XVI and his predecessors had. Thought she didnt have power of anything more than any other French queen until the reforms were rejected, she still had power over his purse, and carried on her indulgent life even when the country was declaring bankruptcy.    This was another target that France used in their feud against their youthful king. He had an Austrian queen, in an attempt to reconcile differences between the two countries, but with many French people against his wife, Louis was led to ignore those citizens opinions and carry on, not worrying about how he could be wrong in having a queen like Mary Antoinette. This in turn may explain why the French started to despise Louis xvi, and in the end turn to executing him.    Complaints about the king, taxing, and voting in the Estates General were on the increase. The bourgeoisie were well informed of their legal weakness and conscious of the rights that other people in other nations, such as the new United States of America, were receiving as a right of a drastic change in judgment. The most important causes of the French Revolution, therefore, were these: the constant unprofessional conduct of the French government and the subsequent unfairness in the distribution of wealth, the incredible hardship that the populations of the Third Estate were subject to, and, finally, the Enlightenment principles finally reaching the thinkers of the day. The ruling parties in France had long since overstepped their boundaries in terms of levying taxes. The Old Regime had become antiquated and impractical, unfit for the growing size of the country and for the well-being of the people. Feudalism had existed for centuries, but it was time for a change. King Louis XVI and his teams of advisors were forced to develop elaborate taxation schemes to pay the inflation on the national debt, which was partly the fault of his predecessors, who had spent colossal amounts of money on Versailles, amongst other things. More than fifty percent of the total budget was directed toward this renumeration. Tax collection, however, was a debacle. Taxes mixed from region to region, and most of the taxes were collected by private businessmen. They would lend the taxes to the government and then accumulate the taxes directly; they then paid themselves both the principal and the interest on the loan and sent the rest to the government. They were liberated to hold back as much as they wanted, so the Third Estate was paying far more in taxes than truly went to the government. Whats worse is that the assets of the country were not centralized; there were hundreds of offices paying out money. By the 1780s, no one had any idea as to what the total asset and liability profile of the nation looked like. The financial crisis precipitated a steep inflationary rise in prices. This inflation was good news for French manufacturing and mercantilism because it resulted in a significant shot of capital into emerging industrial and mercantile businesses. It played hell, however, with the peasantry. Not only did the peasants have to pay higher prices for the basics of life, but landlords began raising fees on the peasantry when they saw their purchasing power decrease. By 1789, over 80 percent of an average peasants household income went to purchasing bread alone, just bread. In that same year, unemployment in many parts of France was over 50%.This, of course, meant practically bleeding the poorest, most disadvantaged people in the country dry of what little capital they had. As time went on, the Churches and the nobles, making up only three percent of the territory, gathered to them upwards of half of the land in the country; they then turned their sights on the largest portion of the French people, and began to take whatever they could from them. Louis was blamed for this as he was that kept the taxes and even added some on to pay off his debts. On top of the taille, the corvà ©e, the tithe and capitation, the vingtieme was called on even when France wasnt at war. In 1787, Louiss financial ministers, Charles de Calonne and Lomà ©nie de Brienne, tried to initiate a series of reforms to stop the complete financial ruin of the French government. They wanted new taxes. The Parlements, which had the authority to raise taxes, want something in return: more regional independence. The aristocracy wouldnt budge on the matter; when Louis calls a select group of nobles together to sell him on the reforms, they flat out declined to consider the matter. They insist, rather, that the only governmental body that can support the new taxes is the Estates General, which hadnt been called since 1614. So Louis XVI decided in 1789 to convene the Estates, General, and an ancient assembly consisting of three different estates that each represented a portion of the French population. If the Estates, General could agree on a tax solution, it would be implemented. However, since two of the three estates; the clergy and the nobility, were tax, exempt, the achievement o f any such result was unlikely.    Furthermore, the out of date rules of order for the Estates, General gave each estate a single vote, despite the fact that the Third Estate, consisting of the general French public, was many times larger than either of the first two. Feuds quickly broke out over this discrepancy and would prove to be contradictory. Realizing that its numbers gave it an automatic advantage, the Third Estate declared itself the sovereign National Assembly. Within days of the announcement, many members of the other two estates had switched allegiances over to this revolutionary new assembly.    On May 5, 1789, Louis XVI convened the Estates General. Almost immediately, it became apparent that the 1614 arrangement would not sit well with its present members. Although Louis XVI granted the Third Estate greater numerical representation, the Parlement of Paris stepped in and invoked an old rule mandating that each estate receive one vote, regardless of size. As a result, though the Third Estate was vastly larger than the clergy and nobility, each estate had the same representation, one vote. Inevitably, the Third Estates vote was doubled to accommodate the difference in population. Louis XVI could be commentated on his good intentions in light of this event. Knowing very well that a revolution was imminent, he let there be an equal ration of representatives, thus editing a tradition to mace it democratic.    The fact that the Estates General hadnt been summoned in nearly 200 years probably says a thing or two about the extent of the situation. The First and Second Estates, clergy and nobility, respectively, were too closely related in many matters. Both were linked to the royalty and shared many similar privileges. As a result, their votes often went the same way, automatically neutralizing any effort by the Third Estate. Additionally, in a country as secularized as France at the time, giving the church a full third of the vote was ill-advised: although Frances citizens would ultimately have their revenge, at the time the churchs voting power just fostered more animosity. There were numerous philosophers in France speaking out against religion and the mindless following that it supposedly demanded, and many resented being forced to follow the decisions of the church on a national scale.    In a way if it werent for Louis making his decision to give more votes to the 3rd estate, there would be no upheaval from the 1st and 2nd estates. On the other hand the revolt of the 3rd estate would affect him. He was stuck in the middle with no was of compromise. Things got worse when the third estate segregated. The Third Estate itself varied greatly in socioeconomic status: some members were peasants and labourers, whereas others had the occupations, wealth, and lifestyles of nobility. These disparities between members of the Third Estate made it difficult for the wealthy members to relate to the peasants with whom they were grouped. Because of these rifts, the Estates, General, though organized to reach a peaceful solution, remained in a long-lasting inside feud. It was only through the efforts of men such as Sieyà ¨s that the members of the Third Estate finally realized that fighting among them was fruitless and that if they took advantage of the estates massive size, they wou ld be a force that could not be ignored. In conclusion, I believe the French Revolution was an astonishingly convoluted affair; it was principally lit by the antagonisms between the first two and the Third Estate, antagonisms rooted in decades of abuse and frustration and not a despot who was trying to fix his families mistakes along with his own. Louis xvi may have made some decisions that would make any other monarch twitch with distaste but his intentions were good , and considering his age and his power , he was an adequate king for a place that certainly had a revolution in its midst.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Who Jesus is for you :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Jesus was raised in Nazareth in the home of Joseph, a carpenter, and his wife Mary. Jesus most likely went to school in a room attached to the synagogue. He was a faithful Jew and followed all the Jewish customs. Jesus was a human being. God took on a human form in Jesus in order to live life like we do. God ‘s love for us is unconditional and infinite. To communicate with us in a personnel way like we do with our friends and family, there was no better way for God to be with us than for God to become one of us. Jesus walked along the same roadways and experienced the same trials and tribulations as other people. Accepting Jesus as fully human is as important as accepting him as fully divine. Jesus experienced stress, anger, frustration and loneliness but he chose never to respond sinfully to these experiences. Given the choice between popularity and telling people the truth, he chose the path that ultimately turned people against him and led to his death.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Jesus is a role model for me. Like Jesus I have been baptized in the faith. I was baptized as an infant whereas Jesus was baptized by his cousin John the Baptist when he was about thirty years old. During his life Jesus was tempted in the desert by the devil three times to give up his complete dependence on God and accept the easy forms of power the devil offered. Jesus resisted for he knew that only his faith in God would give him the power. As I grow up many times I am tempted to do the wrong things. Doing the wrong thing is sometimes easier than doing what is right. Understanding that Jesus also faced these obstacles and that prayer can help you resist in these tough situations in life is reassuring to me.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Jesus taught his disciples and us how to pray. He taught people to pray simply and trustingly to God as father, without trying to impress God with fancy language. Through Jesus I learned to talk to God like a son does to his father; to say what is in your heart, to ask for guidance when you need to make tough decisions. Jesus has taught me to be thankful for all the blessing I have in life. Blessing are not necessarily being rich in material goods. But being rich in the things that matter most like the love and respect of family and friends.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

St. Valentines Day Massacre :: American History

In the roaring twenties, the life of organized crimes was at its peak. What was the greatest mob hit ever pulled off in history? Well I'll tell you. It all happened on Valentines Day, the morning of February 14th, 1929. This incident was call, "The St. Valentines Day Massacre". The man behind this infamous crime was none other than, the infamous Al "Scarface" Capone. Al Capone was the all time greatest mobster of all time. The idea of organized crime fascinates me in so many ways. Capone was the only person to have pulled off such a crime. Al Capone was top gangster in Chicago and was one of the greatest members of the Italian Mafia and George "Bugs" Moran was the leader of the Irish/German mafia and he was the main target behind this hit. He targeted Capone because Al Capone‘s had a bounty on his head, $60,000,000, and found George Moran as a threat. George was Capone's biggest threat of all. He needed to take him out quickly. (Al Capone, True Crime Story). Writing this paper wi ll let me learn a lot more about this massacre. There is one question I would like answered, "Why hadn't Moran's crew made an attempt to fight back?" (Al Capone, True Crime Story). Moran's men had a long history of being violent with others. This is one question that we will never know. My most used source on this essay will be internet information and a book. I feel these sources will give me the most amount of information. Using a magazine will too but it was very hard to find a 20's magazine article. A mob hit such as this one seems tough but only someone with the man power and skill could have pulled it off. It took Capone awhile to think about because he needed an alibi. His alibi was finally established and it was time to go to part one of the Valentines Day Massacre. Something you probably didn't know was Al Capone did not participate in the killings or plans of this crime. All though Capone was the main man behind the massacre, he had "Machine Gun" McGurn take care of the set up. Jack McGurn was responsible for many of Chicago's gangland murders, often without Capone's consent. McGurn upset Capone on a number of occasions for going over the top in violence, because everything McGurn did reflected on Capone in the media.

Friday, October 11, 2019

On balance, do you think Google has a serious public relations problem?

On balance, do you think Google has a serious public relations problem? I believe Google does not have a serious public relations problem because of two reasons; first, Google has reconciled with many companies or organizations even if they have litigations, second, Google fires excellent talents and specialists on public relations problem. It is true that Google have experienced litigations. As Google expand its size and growth, they are more likely to have litigation and regulation, especially from competitors or other organizations.However, Google won most of its cases. For example, Google has been working on Google Books Library Project. The main purpose of this project is to make a lot of books in many libraries available on-line. Against this project, the Association of American Publishers (AAP) filed a lawsuit as an infringement of copyright in 2005. It took so long time to be judged, but Google finally reconciled with AAP. Although the detail of this litigation is not announc ed publicly, Google has suggested separating the profit earned by selling books.Of course Google needs to make profits because it is a business firm whose primary goal is earning profits to stockholders. However, one of the most important missions of Google is to make more information available to more people. Many publishers also benefits by Google Books Library Project because customers get more opportunities to know their books. Google will have litigations in the future, but Google will be able to reconcile them if Google can provide benefits to other organizations and construct win-win relationships. The second reason is Google has excellent talents.Sergey Brin and Larry Page were Ph. D students of Stanford, and what’s more Google has had outstanding software engineers and mathematicians, many holding worthless stock options. These talents and plenty of funds are able to attract more marvelous employees specializing in legal problems such patents, copyrights, or trademar ks. Specialists concerning legal issues are especially important for Google, because Google provides service rather than products. Because of the feature of intangibility, services can create profits by licensing.Thus, at the stage of planning Google needs to consider whether a new project is legal or not, and they can actually judge these problems thanks to excellent talents. To conclude, I believe Google does not have serous relations problems, because Google can reconcile the litigations by creating win-win relationships with other organizations and holds excellent specialists who can consider whether a new project is legal or not. What is a strategic window of opportunity? What kind of firms are most likely to discover such a window?The first window of opportunity was emerging of Internet. In the 1990s, the Internet has emerged and many people got a accessibility to a lot of information through the Internet. However, it was not easy to find what a researcher looking for because the amount of information is massive. Researcher sometimes felt frustrated with the clutter of Web sites. Sergey Brin and Larry Page, founders of Google, considered this problem as a window of opportunity and believed a better use of links would help researcher to find more relevant information for their researches.Based on this strategy, Brin and Page started to work on analyzing Web links in 1996. Through the process of analyzing Web links, they developed a ranking system for searching the Internet that yielded prioritized results based on relevance to the object of the search. In the next year, they developed the search engine, and they provided it to students, faculty, and administrators on the Stanford campus. This is the first opportunity for Google, and resulted in the birth of Google.The second window of opportunity was they have developed the new type of advertisements. After the development of search engine, the number of people using is increased, but its revenue from lic ensing remained small. Google needed to expand profit to maintain their vision of vast information available to users without charge. Then, Google decided to allow advertiser access to their multitude of users. They developed the standards for size and type of advertisements in order to avoid the irrelevant ads.At first Google offered advertisements to large businesses, but they noticed substantial market potential soon. This is the Google’s strategic window of opportunity. They found out the potential market by allowing smaller businesses to easily sign up online with a credit card, and their advertisements to start running within minutes. Although other competitors already offered advertisements for large businesses, Google is the first company that noticed the advantages of speed and low cost of advertisements for small businesses. Brin and Page also added another innovative idea.The ranked advertisements based on relevance, and this innovation helped providing feedback to advertisers. Considering Google’s strategic window of opportunity, Google found out the customers’ problems such as a clutter of Web sites or difficulty for small businesses to run their advertisements, and Google solved these problems with innovative idea. Thus, a firm needs to have excellent ability to find what potential customers need and also own innovative idea or skills to satisfy those needs in order to discover a window of opportunity.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Chapter 5 Quiz

Many of the institutions and customs that emerged in east Asia during this era persisted until the twentieth century or even the present. Why do you think this is so? Why does there seem to be more continuity in east Asian history than in other parts of the world? Patriarchal Family. Nomadic Threats. Mandate of Heaven. 2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a form of writing that is pictographic and ideographic (like Chinese) versus one that is alphabetic? Advantages: A single characater can mean an entire phrase or can have multiple meanings.If you are fluent in the meanings, then it is easier to read and ideas can be connected together more quickly. If the pictographs represent everyday things that everybody knows, it may be easier to learn to understand the language on the more basic level. Disadvantages: It could take a very long time to learn it all. For example, it could take a very long time to learn all the letters that represent one idea or thought. It has a wider i nterpretation, something may mean one thing to a person and slightly different to another.For example, a letter could represent a cat , could be seen as a panther to somebody else. 3. How do early east Asian religious beliefs and practices differ from those of the other early cultures you have studied so far? What do these differences imply about the societies' structures and their most important values? East Asia did not have a main or official type of a religion. They only followed the rule of the Mandate of Heaven. A leader is chosen by heavenly powers to govern within his realm. If the ruler was successful in his duties then the heavenly powers would rejoice.If the ruler failed then the heavenly powers would withdraw a mandate to rule and a better deserving person will take that rulers place. The peoplel of east asia did not worship one certain deity at all unlike the other socieites . They also believed in the veneration of their ancestors. People believed that with doing good deeds and having great virtue throughout the family, then the ancestors will lead them to propser when they meet their ancestors. The region of Mesopotamia was under the belief of polytheism or many gods. Egypt was under the belief of many gods but mainly environmental gods, such as Ra the sun god, and the afterlife.