Friday, October 18, 2019

United States and education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

United States and education - Essay Example Education for all is the most important thing to be achieved by nation as a whole.Thomas Jefferson,the third president of United States of America pioneered the plan that could be implemented upon to make education available to every single citizen while considering right to education equivalent to fundamental rights and would also get over the inequality factor.He elaborated his views about education as a tool not only to make better personalities but also a better nation.His work as mentioned above have envisioned learning not just along the old philosophy of what the students are learning but also on how are they learning. The vision of learning skill is what an educator would wish to see. This is because of the rise in number of students that will provide better results. The incorporation of improved theory into regular administrative schedules and classroom will help the educators and students in concentrating on teaching and learning process and then infusing another wave of dy namicity with reference to real world context. Learning in the classroom will generate a new relationship between the world and the student thereby engaging and modernizing various methods for assessment as well as study. The broader relation between the educators and the students will give real time information to the teachers about the performance of the students. Through this they can search for newer methods to help their students. These processes will ensure more compact relationship and the students will learn in a very few period rather than the months.... Increasing reliability in the classroom can be achieved through the use of Positive teaching methods. Constructivism has been an important ingredient of Jefferson learning theory proposing learners to create their own understanding as they combine what they already believe to be true based on their past experiences with new experiences. Though modern education may consider constructivism as a philosophy of learning which has its roots primarily to the work of John Dewey (1916) and Jean Piaget (1973). Vygotsky's work (1978) also contributed to the movement toward constructivism. Jefferson emphasized that theories of learning should be shifted from orientation based on observable phenomenon to an orientation that emphasize internal cognitive processing. This shows significant shift toward constructivism. The belief that learning comes from inside continues to grow. Knowledge could only gain on which circumstance it comes from that had meaning to the learner. The learning context must be a social context in which students work together to build knowledge. The children should be encouraged to develop concepts and derive their own ideas from those introduced to them. A social learning perspective should be developed through which children learn through interaction with others. Critical thinking is one of the areas where over the decades both educators & policy make argued about schools. Much of this debate has not been based on empirical data. Even though students, right from primary schools must learn facts and basic skills, the data suggest that emphasis on advanced reasoning skills promotes higher student performance. Jefferson pedagogical models promotes this meaningful type of learning process, a process in which learning helps students make sense of new

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