Monday, October 21, 2019

Cancer Research Video Essay Example

Cancer Research Video Essay Example Cancer Research Video Essay Cancer Research Video Essay The videos that I will be comparing are the Animal Aid and the Cancer Research Video. The animal aid company is a company that tries to get people to stop testing products on animals. They also carry out protests to the government to try and make it illegal. However not much has been done about it but the company still continues to carry out its good work. Cancer Research is an organisation that is trying to find a cure into cancer. They also try and find ways to prevent caner and issue information to people to minimise the risk of cancer and to look for warning signs.In my assignment I am going to compare the two media videos. I am going to compare the persuasive techniques that are used in the video and I am also going to look for similarities in camera techniques. The cancer research video is mainly aimed at adults. I know this because they ask for a donation and kids wouldnt have any money to donate to the organisation. I think the animal aid video is aimed at teenagers and upwards. I dont think it would be suitable for children or younger children as there are some disturbing scenes that would probably upset them. Both of the media videos use shock tactics and different techniques.Some of these techniques used in the video are very similar to each other and are very effective. In the cancer research video there is a shock tactic right at the start. A boy is stood looking into a mirror with a projection of his mum also in the mirror; his mum then puts his coat on and is made to look as if she is looking after him. The camera then takes a shot back to the boy and his mum isnt there. This is a shock tactic because his mum disappears meaning that she is no longer there. This presumably shows that she has died from some sort of cancer. There is also a close-up shot on the boys head.His head is bowed and he looks very sad that his mum is no longer there. This created emotion and captures the viewers attention. Another significant thing is that the boy looks quite scruffy. I think this has been done to show that he has no one to look after him because his mum has died. This creates an emotive image. People can also relate to this or think that this could happen to them. Because of this they are more likely to donate money to the organisation. The animal aid video also uses shock tactics and most of the duration of the video there are shock tactics used throughout it.Right from the start there are shocking videos showing what happens inside some of the animal testing centres. Hidden cameras are used in the video so they can show you what really happens. Shocking images are used like a monkey with CRAP burned onto his forehead. There are also images of humans that are hitting dogs and beating them up. The narrator at this point says that Beagles are friendly and like human attention. However on the film they look very scared and they are trying to get away from the humans. Along with a lot of shock tactics implemented into the video there are also lots of facts and figures brought up on the video.During the animal aid video there are both facts and figures brought up telling the viewer about how many animals are operated on a year and it then tells you how many actually worked. The cancer research video also shows a lot of facts and figures to the viewer. It gives you information on how many people catch cancer and how many are cured. It also tells you that 9 out of 10 children are cured from luqemia every year. The two videos are very like in this way although they have different objectives. The videos also contain a lot of repetition.The animal aid video also has repetition in it when a cross keeps coming up on the screen with a negative sound in the background. This happens because it is emphasising the fact that so many experiments have failed and that it is better to carry out some testing on humans instead. The cancer research video also has repetition in it. The i? 2 donation per month keeps coming up on the screen along with the number. This is also brought up in the video at different times. It is brought up four times in total. The video does this so you can keep the number in your head and also gives you a chance to pick up the phone and ring them.

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